Saturday, December 6, 2008

Quit, bitch.

I'm trying to quit smoking again.
Today is day 7.
Today is day "I cannot understand why I ever started smoking in the first place and why no one stopped me and Jesus Christ, what am I supposed to do if I can't quit?"

Today I ran for 10 minutes and barely got anywhere. This shit better work.

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About Me

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I am a student at NYU, with a major in European Studies and a minor in French. New York is my home and my passion; I am useless without it.

Reader Discretion is Advised

This blog may be boring. It may be irrelevant to your life. The truth is, it may be irrelevant to mine as well. As I travel along this path of self-discovery, I note down my feelings, reactions, and general expressions. Amidst my complaints, cheers, and commentary, you may find a bit of poignant wisdom. I hope you enjoy it.
