Sunday, October 26, 2008


It's still so wild to me that so much time has passed. I looked at some old photos from two summers ago and it's hard to believe that I am here, a sophomore in college, trying to figure out my major and what I am going to do with the rest of my life. That summer holds so many of my favorite memories. I look at old photos of me, Ava, and Valerie, and my heart just swells and it's such a beautiful emotion I can hardly describe it. My babies.

I can't believe it's almost Halloween. It was just September. I can't believe I voted. I can't believe that this time next year, if all goes as planned, I will be living in Europe. I don't know what will happen when I graduate and leave Alexis, Kyle, Chris, or Amanda. I don't even want to go home for Christmas.

Growing up is getting harder. Can't I go back to last year?

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About Me

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I am a student at NYU, with a major in European Studies and a minor in French. New York is my home and my passion; I am useless without it.

Reader Discretion is Advised

This blog may be boring. It may be irrelevant to your life. The truth is, it may be irrelevant to mine as well. As I travel along this path of self-discovery, I note down my feelings, reactions, and general expressions. Amidst my complaints, cheers, and commentary, you may find a bit of poignant wisdom. I hope you enjoy it.
