"Don't worry, passive aggression is hot."
"I thought it was cute when you said you don't chase."
Oh Alex, if you knew how ironic and applicable that statement is to my life, you may have withheld from saying that. Regardless, I find myself in an interesting predicament. I don't know if I'm willing to see him once a week, at a party, while the two of us are ridiculously trashed, when I can see Cory, probably more easily and consistently. Why don't I have this problem at school, and moreover, why do guys from my past always come back to me? I could always let my guard down and allow myself to enjoy the two of them for a while, but those sort of things never work out well. Then again, I am indefinitely counting my chickens before they hatch.
There are fireworks going off across the river. Happy Birthday and Happy Independence.
The New PostSecret Book
10 years ago
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