merry christmas.
though i feel like i should be politically correct and say happy holidays.
i won't.
a side note: even a college with 1/3 of its student body being Jewish does not feel the need to be politically correct. Maryland, allegedly, did not have a menorah in its dining hall for its "Holiday Dinner." To me, that is one of two things: hilarious or unusually disrespectful. Cheers Maryland, maybe you should reconsider how diverse you want your school to be!
Genesis: "In the beginning, God created heaven and earth."
The Stranger: "Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe, I don't know. I got a telegram from the home: "Mother deceased. Funeral tomorrow. Faithfully yours." That doesn't mean anything. Maybe it was yesterday."The Assistant: "The early November street was dark though night had ended, but the wind, to the grocer's surprise, already clawed. It flug his apron into his face as he bent for the two milk cases at the curb."I would cite other famous books, but their beginnings might not mean as much to me. They might not have the same impact. It wouldn't be important to mention them, especially if they were not the first texts to come to mind. Is a book only as good as its beginning? Maybe I think so, and maybe this is why I have yet to start my book or even decide on its title, plot, or characters.
Reader Discretion is Advised
This blog may be boring. It may be irrelevant to your life. The truth is, it may be irrelevant to mine as well. As I travel along this path of self-discovery, I note down my feelings, reactions, and general expressions. Amidst my complaints, cheers, and commentary, you may find a bit of poignant wisdom. I hope you enjoy it.